In addition to helping stakeholders and policy-makers better understand the link between public policy and a competitive automotive industry, the APRC has created a network of experts across various academic fields and industrial backgrounds. This has been accomplished by building relationships between academic researchers and representatives from industry, labour, and all three levels of government, and by training of more than 50 graduate, post-graduate, and undergraduate students in manufacturing policy.
Board of Directors
Dr. Charlotte A.B. Yates
President, APRC and President & Vice-Chancellor, University of Guelph
Dr. John Holmes
Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography, Queen's University
Dr. Greigory Mordue
ArcelorMittal Dofasco Chair in Advanced Manufacturing, McMaster University
Sarah Norton
Research Analyst
Amaiya Khardenavis
Research & Data Analyst
Research Associates
Dr. Alex Covarrubias
Sonora College of Mexico
Dr. Jorge Carrillo
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
Kristin Dziczek
CAR Group
Dr. Mathieu Dupuis
Dr. Lorenzo Frangi
Dr. Susan Helper
Case Western Reserve
Dr. Patrice Jalette
Université de Montréal
Dr. Thomas Klier
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Dr. Wayne Lewchuk
McMaster University
Dr. Gregor Murray
Université de Montréal
Dr. Tod Rutherford
Syracuse University
Dr. Jim Stanford
The Australia Institute
Dr. Brendan Sweeney
Trillium Network For Advanced Manufacturing
John Tennant
W2N2 Partnership
Dr. Peter Wells
Cardiff University
Dr. David Wolfe
University of Toronto
Dr. Jeffrey Carey