
In addition to helping stakeholders and policy-makers better understand the link between public policy and a competitive automotive industry, the APRC has created a network of experts across various academic fields and industrial backgrounds. This has been accomplished by building relationships between academic researchers and representatives from industry, labour, and all three levels of government, and by training of more than 50 graduate, post-graduate, and undergraduate students in manufacturing policy.

Board of Directors

Dr. Charlotte A.B. Yates

President, APRC and Professor, University of Guelph

Dr. John Holmes

Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography, Queen's University

Dr. Greigory Mordue

ArcelorMittal Dofasco Chair in Advanced Manufacturing, McMaster University


Bassel Kazzaz

Director, Research and Market Intelligence

[email protected]

Elliot Currie

Senior Research Associate

[email protected]